If your author is a good author, he or she will begin each paragraph with a key statement that tells you what that paragraph is about. 如果作者够水准的话,他/她在每段的开头都会交代一下该段所的大概内容。
The indentation at the beginning of each paragraph should be five spaces, or the equivalent of the TABS key, in MLA research paper formats. 压痕每一段的开头是五个空格,或相当于标签的关键,在重点研究的论文格式。
Carry forward in a new paragraph assuming key position tray in three aspects having analysed office position of a deputy to the chief of an office should handle the good basic relation. 与部属的关系:承上启下作枢纽三方面浅析了办公室副职应处理好的基本关系。
On the second of the two points, however, Mr Wilhelm offers a disturbing paragraph: The key to correcting imbalances in the eurozone and restoring fiscal stability lies in raising the competitiveness of Europe as a whole. 不过,关于第二点,维尔海姆作了一段令人不安的评述:纠正欧元区失衡、恢复财政稳定的关键在于,提高整个欧洲的竞争力。
The method provided in this paper is to analyze the text structure firstly, obtain the positional information of the paragraph and all levels of subtitles information, then uses statistical methods and the heuristic rule to extract Key words and key sentences, and finally creates the abstract. 该方法首先对文本进行篇章结构分析,得到段落的位置信息和各级小标题信息;然后综合这些结构信息使用统计方法和启发式规则来提取文档的关键词、关键句,生成文档的摘要。
Paragraph writing is the key to English composition 英文写作的关键:写好段落
The topical structure analysis ( TSA), an analysis of coherence derived by examining the internal topical structure of each paragraph as reflected by the repetition of key words and phrases, provides insights into the organizational patterns favored by professional writers in these two languages. 主题结构分析通过检测各段关键词和词组的重复所反映的内部主题结构,从而体现中英专家作者所偏爱的段落组织架构。
Second, to cultivate skills in answering questions. Narrative reading skills are general analysis ability of paragraph structures, summary skills of the overall perception and evaluation skills of key words and sentences, and literature appreciation skills. 其次培养学生答题技巧的掌握,记叙文答题技巧有概括分析段落结构、整体感知归纳文章的中心、感受评价关键词语和重点语句的答题技巧、文学欣赏试题的答题技巧。
In the last paragraph, the author summary all the key features of feasibility study on automobile parts industry and also show his prospect for the feasibility study on automobile parts industry. 文章最后总结了汽车零部件行业可行性研究的特点,同时对汽车零部件行业项目可行性研究工作进行了展望。